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Knowledge Base (802)

  1. Answer: Environment: Site Configuration, File Manager, Wordlist files, Aliases.txt Oracle B2C Service Resolution: Accented letters (or special characters) can be used in the aliases.txt file...
  2. Answer: Environment:    Enhanced Business Rules, BUI   Resolution: A custom Yes/No field or a custom object Yes/No field will display four options in the dropdown menu: <No Value>, Yes...
  3. Answer: Environment: All supported versions Issue: Error "dfsvc - No certificate available" when Installing B2C Console Error "dfsvc - No certificates meet the application criteria." when Installing B2C...
  4. Answer: Environment: Oracle Cloud Portal, Configuration Assistant   Resolution: In order to see your sites when you log into the Configuration Assistant, your cloud portal account must have the...
  5. Answer: Environment Chat, Configuration Settings Resolution Presence management ensures that chat participants are notified when either the agent or the customer experiences communication difficulties with...
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Documentation (3406)

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    What to Do When Answers Aren’t Visible Knowledge Base Because Service can start with only 15– 20 answers, the need for a comprehensive initial Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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    Filter results by product or category ;SummaryContents[$ i ]</td>\ n "; echo "<td> Last Updated: 02/08/2023
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    Customer Feedback . Customer Feedback Your customers can provide feedback on answers that don’ t completely solve their Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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    Create a New Rule to Hide or Mask Sensitive Information or Mask Sensitive Information Create a rule to ensure that the user's sensitive information doesn’ t Last Updated: 06/13/2023
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    How SmartAssistant Works When your customers can’ t find an answer to their question in your knowledge base, they can submit Last Updated: 06/27/2022
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